Thursday, August 27, 2009

New look

I got a new look.  Actually, it's an old look returned from the dead. 

Sid likes short hair, and I've always thought women over 45 or so shouldn't have long hair, so I cut it off.  It was supposed to make me look younger.  But I think it makes me look older.  I don't care for it, but Sid likes it.  I don't know if he's just saying that to be nice, or if he really does like it better short.  He doesn't strike me as the type to 'blow sunshine up my skirt', so I think he really likes it. 
But I SWEAR I look older.  Don't you think so???


kate said...

Well, that's not really fair because the pictures you posted are "slanted", meaning, in the one with short hair you look irritated and the one with long hair you look happy and carefree.

For what it's worth, I totally disagree with that "women over 45 should have short hair" thing because in general, yes, short hair does make you look older.

I do like the layers, though; I think it looks great, sis!

Linda said...

'er you a saying that in one, I look meaner'n cat shit, and in t'other I look happier'n a pig in shit? Izzat whatcher sayin??? Cuz I was happier'n a pig in shit in both of 'em! They ain't slanted!

Linda said...

Whatcher really sayin' izzat I look older'n dirt!

Linda said...

(The above comments were made by the 'hillbilly' voice that I hear in my head sometimes.) LOL!!!

Jodi said...

I think it looks cute either way - easier to take care of sometimes short - but we tend to wake up looking uglier...

Dee said...

Hey, I resent the "wake up uglier" remark. ( I thought it was my mirror).
Here I go stepping on toes----but since when do any of us in our family do our hair the way a man wants us to !!!!!!!!! *&*%&%$

Your hair is beautiful long ---it shines, it swings and blows in the wind---. But that's my opinion. What do I know. Be yourself. ! Don't make yourself over to be what someone else wants you to be. You are YOU ------be the exciting, surprising, FUN person YOU are.

JACKI said...

my favorite 'do' on you is the one you have in your avatar picture. I like the length & the auburn color. My fave! :o}