Thursday, August 4, 2016

My subtle version of Steampunk

Mark and I are going to be doing some remodeling on his house.  We are removing the carpet and putting in Pergo type 'wood'  floors. He's having new energy-efficient windows put in, and I'm going to do some painting, etc.  We both have some fun ideas for different rooms.  It will be a long slow process that may take a couple of years, but it will be fun working on it together.

I mentioned on Facebook that I wanted to do a Steampunk living room.  I could hear the groans and gasps from the fam.   And I have no idea why I feel the need to do this, ... some sort of weird approval thing I'm sure, ... but allow me to explain. 
Let me me start by rephrasing my Facebook comment a little.  I think I want to do a subtle Steampunk look in the living room.  

Since it is human nature to fear what we don't understand, let me show you what Steampunk is.

From Wikipedia:

Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.

Basically, Steampunk is a genre that is a combination of the Victorian era, the mechanical/steam age, and early sciences and exploration.  It's 'modern history'.  

(It's mostly reproductions of quite ornate and/or mechanical antiques, not a lot of genuine antiques.)

Like everything else in the world, there are 'varying degrees' of Steampunk.  

This is 'extreme' Steampunk:


I think it's COOL, but it IS 'extreme'.

Now I'll show you what I mean by 'subtle' Steampunk.  
But first!
I have several reasons for wanting to do a Steampunk theme. 
1. Because I love the flourish of the Victorian age, the parlors and the beautiful styles and fashions! And I'm fascinated by the music machines and animatronics and mechanical inventions of the era. 
2. Because I love science, experimentation, maps, and exploration.   
3. Because Mark likes antiques, machines, and aeronaughtical stuff.  
4. This is a cool way to combine our favorite things into one room.  
5. We already have a lot of the stuff to do it.

Subtle Steampunk:  A small amount of bulky industrial pieces like the tripod lamp, (I believe I have a tripod in Jodi's barn), and a victorian touch in the old map on the wall and the ornate shelves.  

Historical looking, and yet modern at the same time.  It's also rustic enough for men to feel comfortable. 

On this one, you have the industrial pulley lamp, the old hour glasses, and again, an old map on the wall.


This one has the industrial looking lamp, and even a dead animal on the wall!  Now what man is gonna turn his nose up at that!

Next are a few random pieces that are very Steampunk. They can be very expensive pieces to acquire. But as luck would have it, I just happen to have some of these things.  And they are not reproductions, they are the real deal.   

I just happen to have an elegant antique clock. Not as ornate as these, but that's okay, I'm toning it down a bit anyway.  

I wish I had a picture of my clock to put here, but I can't find one!  :o(  

Ornate organs and pianos like this one  are great steampunk pieces.

This beauty belonged to Mark's grandparents. It currently sits in the living room, looking completely out of place with everything else in there, but there is no other place for it to go, so it has to stay where it is.  But it will look lovely once it's cleaned up and tied in with other cool stuff. I have already removed a lot of 'junk' off of it.  It was such a 'catch all' that you could not tell it was an organ. 

Here are 3 cool Steampunk Lamps.  Gears and wheels are signature pieces of steampunk. 

I'm thinking of doing something 'similar' to those with the pipes I found.   I love the industrial cages and lightbulbs. 

Ceiling fans from Airplane Propellers?  Mark loves these!  He also has some cool airplane parts that could be used in other ways.  

I don't think this is really groan/gasp worthy. But really, it doesn't matter, because we like it.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

'Later than Mid' Life Crisis!!!

My face is looking so old I want to scream. 
I have an overwhelming need for a change.  Since I can't afford mass quantities of plastic surgery,  I'm wondering if it would help if I changed my hair color, and went with a shorter 'do'.  I used one of those 'makeover' sites, and for the most part, most of the options gave Lisa and I some good laughs.  But there were a couple that I thought might actually be an option.  Please take a look at these pics and tell me what you think.  My dark hair shows behind and below all these shorter cuts, so you just have to block that out and just look at the short do, from my ears up.

The way I see it,... if I can no longer pull off, "I still got it",...  maybe I can try, "I'm so classy I don't need it".
Kate! Jodi!  You guys Stop Laughing! 

Option #1

Option #2

Option #3

Option #4
This one is real similar to what I have.  But shorter.  (This is where you really have to block out my dark hair.)

Th, th, th, that's all folks!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ok, I'm feeling better.

Yes, I was having a difficult time in January.
February was much better. 
March has been downright pleasant. 
And I am looking forward to April. 

I apologize for having 'verbally vomited' on my blog in January. 
But I'm doing super now!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Girls Weekend coming up!

Getting together with childhood friends and fellow Junior High cheerleaders, Teri and Jewel this weekend.  It will be a very dignified and mature weekend, I'm sure.  Hopefully there will be no trips to the emergency room,...  but I am taking bail money.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I am the luckiest person I know....

I have a wonderful family.  My daughters and grandaughter, my Mom and my siblings, their offspring, and THEIR offspring, are all so fun, and cute, and weird, and wonderful. Very few people have as close a family as I do.     GROUP HUUUUGGGGG!!!!!

And,... I love my job.  At a time when most people are grateful to have ANY kind of job, I have one of the best jobs I've ever had. I'm getting paid to do what I love to do. What could be better?  It keeps me challenged, but not really stressed.  I love everybody I work with.  And my boss is such a sweetie.  (But I can't let him know that,... he thinks he's a bad azz.  Shhhhh... ) 

And, I have fantastic friends who are always there for me. Always ready to spend some time and provide a chuckle or two.  I've recently found some that I  haven't seen in many years. And yet we just seem to pick up where we left off.    

There are many more ways in which I have been blessed.
I am so lucky! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ah, piss on it. You knew I couldh't do it...

 OK, at no time did I ever say that was a picture of MY pie!  I said I'd made a pie.  And I wanted to put a picture of an apple pie in the post, so I used google images and found a fricken pie. Geez, ... I was lucky to have MADE the damn thing, let alone take pictures of it, and THEN download them onto the computer AND post it to my blog?  Hello?  It's me!  Lala!  Am I EVER that organized? 
- head shake of disbelief-
Oh!  And yes! I was proud that i had cooked something for,... um,... i'll just keep calling him The Harmonica Player.  He has cooked 3 big beautiful meals for me, so I wanted to cook him a pie. 

You know, only one other time in my whole life have I ever had a beau that made me want to go out of my way and do especially nice things for him. That one guy was unique. But The Harmonica Player makes me want to be a better person too.  I don't know if I'm  explaining this right, or what the heck it means, but I like the way it makes me feel. 
- thumbs in ears, tongue sticking out -

Did I miss anything?


I've only been back to blogging for 1 day, and already,  I've screwed up my blog.  Now I remember why I quit blogging.  At least on Facebook, THEY screwed up everything FOR me!