Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pictures of Jodi...

My sister, Jodi, just put a photo of herself on her blog, Her daughter, Jacki, didn't like the photo. Jodi's reply was that she didn't have many pictures of herself to choose from. So, I thought I'd offer her a few of mine... :oD

How'd that get in there???!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where does she come up with this stuff!??!

While Kate and Anna were here, Anna discovered a Venus Fly Trap that I have growing in a little tube on my window sill. She wanted to feed it a bug to see how the trap closes. But she was AFRAID of this little tiny plant! So bless her heart, in the name of safety, and all that Tim "The Toolman" Taylor holds dear, she donned my motorcycle helmet and gloves for protection. She comes out wearing this stuff, holding a bug in her fingers, and dramatically announces, " I'm going in!"

Lisa got SUCH a kick out of Anna!


Lisa bought a swimsuit for the first time in years!
She had a photo shoot with a new agency, and she actually wanted one set to be in a swimsuit!
OK, this just showing her new suit to her mom, sitting in the livingroom, her glasses on, and a very amature photographer. Just imagine what the professional photos will look like.
OK, I'm trying really hard NOT to be obnoxious with pride, but DAMN, isn't she pretty!
Look at those cute boobies!

Life is good!

Friday, April 25, 2008

I love this,...

Choose your friends by their character
and your socks by their color.
Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense
and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

kinda cute kid, huh?

Just a couple of quick samples from skeeters most recent photo shoot.

Brooke Shields never looked so good,... well, ok, maybe HER mom thought so too...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I love my motorcycle, but...

I bought a car today! A white Kia Rio. It's the most stripped down model you can get, it doesn't even have a radio. But it's cheap, it's safe, it's warm and dry, and it's mine! (or will be in 60 months!)

It's a little 4 door, and has lots of room in it. It has a big trunk. It has front airbags, and full side-curtain airbags in the front and back seat. It has a full 10 year bumper to bumper warranty, great safety rating, and it gets about 36-40 mpg. And my payments are CHEAP.

No more riding in the rain. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful to have my motorcycle when the Pathfinder died. And I had good rain gear. But it's nice to have a reliable vehicle, and one that doesn't smell like "mouse nest" like the Pathfinder did.

The best part, and at the same time the most pathetic part, is that it's the first time I've ever done something like this myself. (I love you, Mom!)

>strutting like a peacock<
Yup, I'm feeling pretty grown up right now!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm worried about my sisters. These are the 2 most opinionated people on the planet. As they both got older, they realized that it wasn't enough to force their opinions on just family. They both needed more. So they started blogs, so that they could share their opinions with the whole freakin' world. OK, so here's why I'm worried,... they have BOTH stopped blogging! What tramatic things could be going on in their worlds that would stop them from being publicly opinionated???
I'm scared....

The "happiest place on earth" is not Disneyland...

It's! Yeeeehaaaawwww!
Maybe because I love men, maybe because I'm bored, maybe because I'm not good company to myself, but I got on and have been having a good time since, talking with some great guys from all around the Pacific Northwest. I'm telling you, it's a "Smorgusboard" out there.

Friday, April 18, 2008

A fairy tale come true...

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lisa.
Poor little Lisa,... she had no boobies. All the other little girls had boobies, but poor little Lisa had none.


Then one day, while Lisa was fast asleep,...
(immediately afterward - she had to sleep sitting up, everything else hurt.)

the BOOBY FAIRY came!

And when Lisa woke up, She had boobies!
Yeah, Little Lisa is soooo happy.

(sore, but happy!)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm still here...

Well, between moving, having my truck die, (thank Gob I have the motorcycle), and going to Utah, I've been a bit overwhelmed with stuff. But I hope to try to get things back to normal now. I'll fill you in on everything soon. I just wanted you to know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. I'm still here!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Not all heros wear capes... -
Eldorado, Texas - More than 400 children, mostly girls in pioneer dresses, were swept into state custody from a polygamist sect, The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in what authorities described Monday as the largest child-welfare operation in Texas history.
Dressed in home-sewn, ankle-length dresses with their hair pinned up in braids, some 133 women left of their own volition along with the children.
Girls as young as 14 and 15 were being forced into marriages with much older men.

What a dreadful life. :o(

And no, they were not having a pioneer festival today. Call the fashion police too.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm so lucky to work here....

I love my job. (True, I'm not making tons of money, but bless their hearts they try). No, what makes me love my job is the group of people I work with. We have some REAL characters here. Everybody has their little quirks, their different styles of humor, their different worlds they live in, but we all get along so well, it's just fun. So every now and then, I'm going to tell you about some of them on my blog.

This is my friend, Susie, or "Doc Susie" as she is sometimes called. (She says, "Don't call me that, I'm gonna get arrested for practicing without a license!")
Susie is an herbalist. She has an herbal, organic, or homeopathic cure for whatever ails you. And if she doesn't, she'll put on her grass skirt, and dance around you shaking incense until you're laughing so hard, you tell her you feel better just to get her to stop. But she is sharp as a tack, and knows her stuff.

Susie cracks me up. She is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's cover." She always looks so 'put together' and cute that I thought she was kind of prissy. But I'm telling you, she is a firecracker! If it's fun, she's done it, and if she hasn't, she will. Working with Susie I'm constantly reminded that life is meant to be enjoyed!

On sewing...

Methinks it is a token of healthy and gentle characteristics, when women of high thoughts and accomplishments love to sew; especially as they are never more at home with their own hearts than while so occupied. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Marble Faun, 1859
Heather and Jacki:
This is my NEW sewing machine.
It's a Brother XL 2600i .
It's smooth, and easy to use. It has a simple drop in bobbin and it's easy to thread. It does 26 different stiches and does automatic button holes. It comes with a button hole foot, a zipper foot, a double needle, extra regular needles and spare bobbins.
I got it at for $89.00! ($155 at sewing stores, $139 at Target, $129 at Walmart - same damn machine!!!) I realize that $89 might as well be a million when you don't have it, but if you can manage to stash $10 a week for a just 2 months, BINGO, you've got a nice sewing machine that you can grow into, not out of. You will have (and use!) this machine the rest of your life! I guarantee it! They last that long!

I'm volunteering Grama Pogue here, (he, he,... HI MOM!) but I'm sure Grama would be happy to give you Sewing 101 lessons. Just the real simple forward, backward, pinning fabric, etc. She taught me, she's a good teacher. She has an older sewing machine, but it works great. She'd probably let you borrow it to practice on if you're careful with it. (I love you MOM!) The key is to start simple. Don't go buy a pattern for a childs outfit yet. Make a square pillow first, then an apron, or small cutains. K.I.S.S. and you won't get frustrated.

"Coupe deux, coupe deux. Cut two, cut two." >singing to myself...<

I'll be coming over in July, I think. I'd be happy to spend a day with you teaching you how to read patterns and do some other simple tricks to get you started.
I LOVE teaching sewing.

This is an outfit I'm making for Gracie and Alli. It's sooo cute!!!

Gracie's is blue with pink watermelons, and the pants are pink polka dot like the straps.

Allies is Green with pink Strawberries and the pants and straps are green polka dot.
I should have them done in a couple of weeks, and then I'll get them mailed over in time for fun in the sun!

My suggestion for a hobby is SEWING! :o)