Thursday, October 1, 2009


Do you have any great ideas for a boat name???   She's a 40' Island Packet sailboat.  She's got green canvas, and green trim on the sails, and a beige hull.  We'll be keeping her in the islands of the Bahamas and Caribbean,  no plans to bring her to the Pacific Northwest. 

The poll at right has a few names we've been kicking around.  Please vote, or give us another suggestion. Ask your friends and/or readers to come over and vote too.  We could really use some input here.



Dee said...

My suggedstion is :

Our Way

But I see it isn't on the list. (bawwww)

Dee said...

I can too spell suggestion ! the keyboard can't ! stupid keyboard.

Jodi said...

I like "No Rules" or "Romper Room". But I'm weird.

Sheri said...

So....what did you name it?

Unknown said...

That is really exciting. How about Intrepid Lady since you are both adventurous and fearless. (I think).

Jamie Avery said...

How about...
Dream a While'd know, like your wildest dream, in the wild..

Jamie Avery from Sarasota, Florida :)

Linda said...

Intrepid,... cool.

Dream a while'd... that's creative!