Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ah, piss on it. You knew I couldh't do it...

 OK, at no time did I ever say that was a picture of MY pie!  I said I'd made a pie.  And I wanted to put a picture of an apple pie in the post, so I used google images and found a fricken pie. Geez, ... I was lucky to have MADE the damn thing, let alone take pictures of it, and THEN download them onto the computer AND post it to my blog?  Hello?  It's me!  Lala!  Am I EVER that organized? 
- head shake of disbelief-
Oh!  And yes! I was proud that i had cooked something for,... um,... i'll just keep calling him The Harmonica Player.  He has cooked 3 big beautiful meals for me, so I wanted to cook him a pie. 

You know, only one other time in my whole life have I ever had a beau that made me want to go out of my way and do especially nice things for him. That one guy was unique. But The Harmonica Player makes me want to be a better person too.  I don't know if I'm  explaining this right, or what the heck it means, but I like the way it makes me feel. 
- thumbs in ears, tongue sticking out -

Did I miss anything?


Linda said...

Oh, yeah, and I put the followers button on my page.

Jodi said...

Well, even though the picture wasn't yours, I love that you're cooking! Good job sista!

Dee said...

Well, I thought it was yours, and I believed you could ! I'm yur fan.