Friday, September 28, 2007

I’m going to be rich!

I’m going to be rich! I’m going to invent snot-fuel!

I swear, I’ve had this cold for two weeks now! And although I feel ok, I still have to blow my nose every 5 minutes!

I am continually AMAZED at how much SNOT one head can produce! Then it came to me,… if I could invent an engine that ran on snot, I could solve the worlds energy crisis!!! Snot-fuel! My nose alone could power the City of Cornelius.

And just think of those 3rd world countries. In every photograph you ever see, ALL the little kids ALWAYS have snotty noses. Those countries are sitting on a gold mine of snot. Think of it, no more famine, filth, and despair. This could seriously change the world!

People wouldn’t bitch about having a cold anymore, they’d think of it as a windfall!

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to walk out to your car, open the fuel cap, plug one nostril, and hock a big ol’ glob o’ snot into your tank, … and away you go!

I honestly can’t think of a downside here!

Ya know, maybe I shouldn’t have this on a public blog. If someone steals my idea, I’m gonna be mad!


kate said...

You know, I could have gone ALL DAY without seeing that picture. Best to let one's imagination do the work on that one.

As for your idea: it's absolutely brilliant!!! Talk about a renewable resource! And it gives whole new meaning to GREEN energy. I really love the visual of pulling over to the side of the road and "filling up" your tank.

I want in. I have $4.98 to contribute to your start-up costs. Oh, and a gallon full of snot (I have the same cold you do.)

Dee said...

That is so disgusting , I can't believe you weren't blocked, or bleeped or something permanent !
Please ! get out the tampons and stuff those nostrils----when they swell, you'll still have the strings to retrieve them !

kate said...

MOTHER!!! I am shocked!! I'm afraid your daughters are rubbing off on you. Be afraid.

Jodi said...

Oh frig...

I don't even know what to say here. Is that your face? What happened to your teeth? It looks like they're all rotted out.

Ok, you still look like you stepped out of a magazine, but your mentality has taken a step down to Mad magazine. However, I still say you're the most sophisticated of the bunch - that's a very sad statement for the rest of us...