Monday, April 6, 2009

Cuz Mom said so,... that's why.

Mom said I HAD to change the picture on my blog,
cuz that flat fat bungie jumper
made her want to barf. So, I'm changing it.

These pictures are much cuter.
Lisa is still getting calls from photographers to do modeling sessions.
(These are "trade -not paid", for both parties portfolios.)
Here's a couple from her latest professional shoot last week.

She already has photographers wanting to do shoots with her and newborn Koby.


H said...

Bellissima! :) MUCH better than the fat guy!! Is baby is beginning to drop??

kate said...

BOOOOOOOOBBBIIIIIEEEESSSS!!! Wow. Be careful what you wish for, huh Lisa!

Those are so cute. She'll be glad she has those, and Koby will love them too.

So Koby's getting modeling gigs ad she's not even OUT yet?!

Dee said...

Both pictures are sweet and tasteful. Beautiful !

Photograpers must just love Lisa--she is sooooo photogenic.
And wait till they see Koby---they'll love her too.

Jodi said...

Kate, read your response again...

First you talk about boobies, then you say that Lisa and Koby are going to be so glad she had those. Well, I finally figured out you meant THE PICTURES!

Jodi said...

Oh, and I love the pics! So sweet!

Dee said...

Oh, that's what Kate meant !

Sheri said...

I sure didn't look like that when I was preggo...beautiful pictures! I knew what Kate meant right away.....but then I am very sharp!

Linda said...

I knew she meant the pictures too.

Silly 'yodi!

Linda said...

And BOY is she dropping. I'm half expecting Koby to land between her feet everytime she stands up! (giggle....)

Jodi said...

Sheri! You're ALIVE!

kate said...

Yes, I meant the pictures but, Koby's going to glad about the boobies too! ;)