Friday, October 7, 2011

Girls Weekend coming up!

Getting together with childhood friends and fellow Junior High cheerleaders, Teri and Jewel this weekend.  It will be a very dignified and mature weekend, I'm sure.  Hopefully there will be no trips to the emergency room,...  but I am taking bail money.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I am the luckiest person I know....

I have a wonderful family.  My daughters and grandaughter, my Mom and my siblings, their offspring, and THEIR offspring, are all so fun, and cute, and weird, and wonderful. Very few people have as close a family as I do.     GROUP HUUUUGGGGG!!!!!

And,... I love my job.  At a time when most people are grateful to have ANY kind of job, I have one of the best jobs I've ever had. I'm getting paid to do what I love to do. What could be better?  It keeps me challenged, but not really stressed.  I love everybody I work with.  And my boss is such a sweetie.  (But I can't let him know that,... he thinks he's a bad azz.  Shhhhh... ) 

And, I have fantastic friends who are always there for me. Always ready to spend some time and provide a chuckle or two.  I've recently found some that I  haven't seen in many years. And yet we just seem to pick up where we left off.    

There are many more ways in which I have been blessed.
I am so lucky! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ah, piss on it. You knew I couldh't do it...

 OK, at no time did I ever say that was a picture of MY pie!  I said I'd made a pie.  And I wanted to put a picture of an apple pie in the post, so I used google images and found a fricken pie. Geez, ... I was lucky to have MADE the damn thing, let alone take pictures of it, and THEN download them onto the computer AND post it to my blog?  Hello?  It's me!  Lala!  Am I EVER that organized? 
- head shake of disbelief-
Oh!  And yes! I was proud that i had cooked something for,... um,... i'll just keep calling him The Harmonica Player.  He has cooked 3 big beautiful meals for me, so I wanted to cook him a pie. 

You know, only one other time in my whole life have I ever had a beau that made me want to go out of my way and do especially nice things for him. That one guy was unique. But The Harmonica Player makes me want to be a better person too.  I don't know if I'm  explaining this right, or what the heck it means, but I like the way it makes me feel. 
- thumbs in ears, tongue sticking out -

Did I miss anything?


I've only been back to blogging for 1 day, and already,  I've screwed up my blog.  Now I remember why I quit blogging.  At least on Facebook, THEY screwed up everything FOR me!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My goodness, it's been so long since I've posted a blog, I'm not sure I remember how to do it!  But I, like so many others, am sick and tired of facebook.  So let's see how this works.  I don't have many subscribers, so feel free to subscribe.  (It just makes me feel good to think people are reading it.)
So much has happened in the past year,... 
I'm still working for the same garden center, but I started doing all the buying of trees and shrubs this last spring, and now I'm also the Asst. Manager.  Actually, I think my official title is "Junior Assisant Night Manager In Training".  :o)
I've recently gotten back into bluegrass music, with a special appreciation for harmonica.  (wink!)
And.... if you know me, you'll never believe this,... but I've been COOKING for said harmonica player.   Yes, REAL cooking, like in a kitchen, with a stove an' stuff!  I made him an apple pie last week, and now I'm roasting a chicken!  (I had to touch raw chicken!  Eeewww!)  Geez, what is happening to me that I want to cook for him?  Well, not to worry,  I'm sure it won't last long.