Monday, March 17, 2008

"I believe in Santa, and I hope I always will!" ~ Lala

Apparently, my 7 year old neice, Anna, has recently decided that the tooth fairy and the easter bunny are myths. My sister, Kate, says that now Anna is questioning the existance of Santa. Apparently, she's notice a similarity in Santas writing and in Kates.

Kate, you could tell here a whopper to keep here believing in the fat guy that hangs out with midgets and flys on deer. You simply tell her that Santa had gotten a finger caught in the Reindeer reins that night and he couldn't write, so he politely woke you up and asked if you could write it for him.

Or, you could tell her the truth like I did with Lisa and Andrea:
Andrea, so much like Anna, investigated undercover. There was no fooling that kid, so I HAD to tell her the truth.

I said, " Sweetheart, Santa is as real as you want him to be. Do you want him to be real?"

She said, "Yes, I wish he was, but I don't think he really is."

So I said, "Let me tell you something. I don't know about a big guy in a red suit, but Santa IS the spirit of Christmas. The spirit of the whole winter, really. Remember last winter, when those very first snowflakes of the season floated down so big and beautiful? And you got that big swelling feeling in your chest, it feels really happy and special. That's Santa.
That lump in your throat when you turn off the lights and see your Christmas tree all lit up and glowing bright. That's Santa.
That smile so big it makes your cheeks hurt, when someone opens a gift from you, and they just love it. Yep, Santa again!
You know how ordinary things just seem to be more special at Christmas time? All those things become more special because of the Spirit of Santa. If there were no Santa at all, those things wouldn't be all that special, they'd be rather ordinary, wouldn't they? So, there you have it. Santa is as real as Christmas, IF you chose to believe."

Andrea grinned and gave me a huge hug. "Thanks, Mom! I knew you help me find a way to keep believing in Santa."

It went pretty much the same with Lisa. And to this day, I think both girls are hesitant to admit that they don't believe in Santa,... you know,... just in case!
^ _ ^


kate said...

AAwww, that's pretty sweet. There will ALWAYS be magic surrounding Christmas, with the tree and the snow and the lights and the gifts...Hopefully we never let go of that, even as grown-ups!

Dee said...

Christmas starts all over again through the little kids, their excitement and big eyes when they see snowflakes, or the tree, lights, gifts. So there will always be "Santa/Christmas", as long as there are children--one's own, grand, great-grand, etc.