Monday, March 31, 2008

To Heather

To my neice, Heather:

I have missed several of your last postings, but I want to comment on a couple of them, and since I firmly believe that everyone has a right to MY opinion, I'll do it here on my blog, instead of on yours.

First, I just want to tell you, again, what an amazing and beautiful human being you are. Damn, we're lucky to have you. I love you to pieces.

Second, I'm really glad that you and Jake are trying to have a baby. We need a little 'Heather' in the family. Trying to get pregnant is not always easy, that's for sure. I tried for a two years to get Lisa, and 3 years, (with a miscarriage in there), to get Andrea. Like Kate, I'd only have a period, (and therefore ovulate), about every 3 or 4 months. We KNOW the pain and frustration of 'trying'. I used clomed both times, but it was after I'd given up on that, that I got pregnant both times.

As for Pam, you are taking NOTHING from her that she has not given willingly. You are actually doing a huge service, for one who does not deserve it, by giving her child a wonderful Mother.

Now, that having been said, please, and this is a plea to the entire family, please don't ever tell Grace how her biological mother simply abandoned her. PLEASE just tell her that Pam simply couldn't care for her properly, and so she did what was right for Grace. There is no need for that kind of detail, and such info could seriously screw up a beautiful happy little girl, or young woman, depending on her age. It's just not necessary. You must, no,... WE must all form a new view of how Grace was lucky enough to end up with you as a Mother, and we need to play down the "why" of it - for her sake.
Right, wrong or otherwise, Pam was unable to give Grace the care she needed. That's all Grace should ever need to know. Anything beyond that is personal opinion.

Well, that's MY opinion anyway... any others?



Dee said...

Is that a sweet happy family, or what.! You all BELONG together!
And Lala, well said, I fully agree. Grace will always know how very much she is loved by her real Mother, (not the genetic one ) and her loving Daddy. AND this big bunch of huggy , kissy family !

Jodi said...

I TOTALLY agree with you. There will NEVER be a reason to tell Grace anything other than Pam just wasn't able to take care of her so God sent Heather. OK, I know you won't tell her that part, but Heather, I truly believe that you were sent to us, at that particular time. While we loved having her, Grace was in desperate need of a mommy. She let me know that by watching other kids get picked up at daycare and deciding that she needed to call me "mommy". And, I think you were sent to us for Jake. Sorry, but I'll never beleive it was coincidence, it was a gift to two people that I love so much and you Heather, were the perfect solution. You're not just anybody Jake could have met, you're definately heaven sent. I know this sounds corny, but look at how many people get re-married and how hard it is for the new person to get along with the child, let alone actually LOVE that child.

Ok, I'll stop now. But I know Heather was a gift from heaven.

Jodi said...

Wish I was there to help you move sister!

kate said...

Well said Lala! And, um, I'm pretty sure there's not a single person in this family who would tell Grace that her biological mother "abandoned" her. Do we LOOK retarded?! :) (Don't answer that.) We may all feel that way about Pam and discuss it amongst ourselves, but Grace will grow up knowing that she's with the mommy she belongs with, regardless of how she got there.

Jodi, I agree that Heather is a gift. I dunno who from, ;) but she is a gift to every person in this family!

And that is a darling photo!

H said...
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H said...

To quote my favorite movie, "You're right, you're right... I know you're right."


Can anybody guess the movie???

Jodi said...

Ummmm. No. Does it have something to do with Eyore?

kate said...


Slam, dunk!!!

What's my prize?!

Linda said...

no prize for you, grasshopper

H said...

How did you get Eeyore out of that? What are you saying?? ;)
