Sunday, July 27, 2008

Geez, I didn't mean it to be a sickening tribute...

He may not be what he used to be, but,... back when he was still writing these, Dr. Phil was a frickin' genius.
(He still is, he's just developed a sad case of 'celebrity greed syndrome')

I have almost all of his books. His writing and advise is still the best and easiest to comprehend. It just makes sense. Period.

I can pick up one of my 'Dr. Phil books', and find the answer to just about any question I ever have about my life or decisions I need help making. I may not always like what it says, but I've found that, about 95% of the time, if I actually do it,... it works.

Good ol' Dr. Phil has seen me through some very difficult times. It seems he was a good coach, and often helped me put up a good defense when I needed it most.

And now, he's even got me playing 'offense'!Dating can be a long learning experience, and at almost 50, I don't have 5 or 10 years to waste making all the 'typical' mistakes, even if I do learn for them.

Dr. Phil is now helping me with some good 'offensive' plays. He's teaching me how to read the "other team" and to make the right calls, do the right things, and avoid problems before they happen.

If I ever meet the man, I'm gonna give him a BIG, sloppy, wet kiss for always being right there, setting on my dresser, anytime day or night, and always willing to tell me, bluntly, to pull my head out, and fix it if it isn't working.

My favorite Dr. Phil-isms:
"How's that working for ya?"
"You either get it, or you don't"
"We teach people how to treat us."
"People do what works."
And of course, The one at the bottom of all my emails...
"There is no reality, only perception."


Jodi said...

Yep, ya gotta love Dr. Phil. He definately tells it like it is and has his head about him. I've never found anyone that I thought gave better advice. I can watch it and see a little bit of myself in just about everybody he has on. Now THAT'S scary!

JACKI said...

I <3 Dr. Phill


JACKI said...

oops... I put an extra "L" in there.

Linda said...

Well, Jacki,.. "get the L outta here!"

Damn, there i go bein' all funny again...

JACKI said...

I have to admit... Linda, you did make me laugh out loud! LOL!!! That was a good one!

Dee said...

You and Jacki have a "mutual admiration society" about your funniness going here. How nice !

Glad Dr. Phil is always there to help you and that you take his advice. Perhaps I should start reading his books---I have one. But since I don't have a relationship nor even a life, it may not do any good.

Anonymous said...

Dee, maybe he can help you get to the bottom of why you were storing mercury in baby food jars in the garage....I think this goes deeper than you care to look at. And...Linda, that was laugh out loud funny! Sheri Z.

Jodi said...

Yeeeeesss Sheri, that IS odd isn't it????

Dee said...

It wasn't ME ! It was their father. I'm sure he whispered while they were asleep,---"Don't touch the mercury" thinking they wouldn't hear, and I, meanwhile was whispering --"elope, elope" hoping it would be forever stuck in their brains.

Anonymous said...

Ha!! And they fooled both of you! Survived the mercury and no eloping. You are lucky they didn't elope with a mercury salesman. Sheri