Wednesday, May 20, 2009

OMG! She blogged!!!

My grandaughter, Koby, is 1 month old today!
It's not that I haven't taken any pictures, hell I''m a grandma, I've taken LOTS of pictures!
I just haven't blogged.

So here are some updates. This group is from 5 days (at right) old to 3 weeks old (near the bottom). I'll get the very newest ones downloaded off my camera and get some of those up tomorrow.


kate said...

Oh my god! She is sooo cute!!! I lufs her.

Linda said...

Yea, I think she's pretty cute too. She looks soooo much like Lisa. We looked at Lisa's photos from 1 month old and they look like the same baby! Except Koby is a tiny bit browner. But I think Koby's eyes might even stay blue. I swear they are getting lighter all the time.

Jodi said...

She does look exactly like Lisa did at that age - I remember it like it was yesterday!

kate said...

Her eyes definitely look bluer. Oh man, will she be gorgeous.

I love the photo of her asleep on Lisa's chest. They LOVE to sleep there. I have a picture of Anna asleep on Eric's chest just like that, when she was about a week old. It's on my desk at work and it makes me so happy every time I look at it. They are so precious when they're so tiny.

JACKI said...

so soooo stinken cute!

Dee said...

Koby is gorgeous and those blue eyes are so beautiful----Lisa's eyes----and everything else that's so cute !