Monday, August 6, 2007

Body Worlds Exhibit

"Beauty is only skin deep. " ~ old proverb

Lisa, Andrea and I went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) yesterday. The current ‘traveling exhibit’ that is on display there is called "Body Worlds 3". It’s very bizarre, but fascinating.

It’s actual human bodies that have been preserved through a special ‘plasticine’ process. It’s not as gross as it sounds. It’s actually very artistically done. You’re not just looking at dead bodies laying on a slab. They are preserved in amazing poses so that you can really see what muscles are used.
But the most amazing display was the lungs. If I had not already quit smoking, that display would have done it for me! OH MY GOD!!!

If you want to see more about this wild exihibit, you can go to and select "images" and type in Body Worlds or go to their website at
OR - you can come visit me and you can go to OMSI and see the exhibit for yourself.


Jodi said...

Now that's just sick. Believe it or not, Irene was telling me about this exhibit. She's really into skeletal parts and stuff.

Are some of the people skinned? I think that's what she said. Freakin' sick!

And yea, how come Jake reads and comments on YOUR blog?

kate said...


Did ya go out for sushi afterwards?? *snort!*

Anonymous said...

ive tryed describing that exibit to like 5 people but it jus didnt come out in words as facinating as it really was when we were standing right in front of it all. tanks again for takin us maaaam!