Monday, August 20, 2007

The Earth Laughs In Flowers. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

And if that’s the case, this time next year, my yard is going to be hysterical!

When we moved in here in May, the front yard was knee deep in weeds. Loving plants the way I do, I was quick to take on making the front yard look pretty! My plan was to have all plants and a couple of walkways, with no grass at all, (not in the front yard anyway.)

So, - The good thing about working at Blooming Nursery, is that I get a killer discount on plants!
The bad thing about working at Blooming Nursery, is that I get a killer discount on plants!

Yes, it can work against me. With so many wonderful things that grow over here, and so many pretty plants to chose from, I now have 147 plants in our small front yard! Whew! That’s a lot of planting! Blooming Nursery only grows perennials and flowering shrubs, so the yard is all flowering plants. Next year it’s gonna be ‘chuck a block’ with flowers!

Everything is still tiny this year, but by next year, when things start growing together, and everything really gets blooming, this is going to be one ‘happenin’ yard.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

So are you back to the sailing blog now that you have your captain back?