Monday, August 27, 2007

So much going on...

"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." ~ I dunnano who said it

I haven't updated my blog lately because I've had so much going on. I'll try to summarize into a brief bit so that this doesn't turn out to be a novel.

Basically, I've shuttled daughters back and forth to Portland, so now Lisa is here and Andrea is gone.

Andrea is struggling with that awkward stage when one is no longer under a parents control, but one is not really an adult yet either. It's difficult to see her go through it, but it's something she's got to do. I keep reminding her of the above mentioned quote.

Lisa has made the leap, and is becoming a Portlander. It's been a difficult processes for her because leaving a town she is absolutely sick of and wants to get rid of, requires leaving a job she enjoys and the man she loves, (Sweet Rodrick!) I keep reminding her of the above mentioned quote.

I am currently, uh.... between jobs. Ok, unemployed. Ugh! See, I was offered a job (over the phone - red flag #1) doing landscape design at Loen Nursery. I love design work, and it paid $20 an hour, so I accepted it. I put in my 1 day notice at Blooming Nursery. (Loen said they needed me to start immediately, red flag #2.) I went out to Loen to speak to the manager, (the owner hired me,), and other than the manager and the owners son, there were NO OTHER EMPLOYEES there, (red flag #3.) Hello??? Linda??? Are you paying attention to your insticts here??? Then, I called the owner to tell him I needed time off, for my family reunion, and he went balistic, became a complete asshole! (Or as Jodi called him - the Nursery Natzi!) OK, at this point, I FINALLY decided to pay attention to my insticts, and told him I would not be taking the job afterall. But I absolutely HATE being unemployed. Heavy Sigh,... at this point, I have to remind myself of the above mentioned quote.

Being without a job is a dreadful feeling. I NEVER leave a job without having another one first, no matter how much I dislike the job. I almost went to Loen anyway, just until I found something else. However, my darling sister Kate threatened me with bodily injury if I went to work for psyco-man, and because she has the demeanor of a badger, I chose unemployment over a possible hospital stay. Did I make the right decision? How bad could Kate really mess me up? I mean, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Right?


kate said...

Listen, I have a black-belt in ass-whuppin. Besides, I HOPE it was your healthy and justified fear of working for the Nursary Nazi (love that!)that made you say "NO THANK YOU CRAZY MAN" rather than fear of your sweet litte sister. : )

As for what to do about Andrea, how 'bout a tennis ball and some duct-tape??

I lupper!!

Dee said...

I happen to know that never in history has Kate ever participated in "ass-whuppin'", but she'll rationalize your ear off and then you'll be sorry !

For goodness sake, go out and work in your yard. That will keep you busy and happy.

kate said...

Oh! Oh! That's IT, mom. See if I ever give YOU unsolicited advice again!!


Jodi said...

I agree with mom - Kate couldn't whupp her ass out of a wet paper bag - she just talks big. However, I could whupp some ass!

I agree also, go work in your yard and let Bob support you for a few days...

kate said...

Jodi? Sweetie? I could snap your body over my knee like a twig. Look, I don't know how this turned into a conversation about my ability (or lack of) to cause bodily harm, but

I HEARBY CHALLENGE YOU ALL TO A DUEL!! See you on the beach, September 15th at sunrise.

I shall go by the name of Puss in Boots....

Jodi said...

You're on! You must have forgotten how I whupped Linda's ass in that foot race during the Peace Officers' Memorial walk. Puss in Boots - what a sissy name - what'r'ya'gonna duel with - cotton candy?

I shall go by the name - Nasty Nancy the Dueling Natzi.

Dee said...

I'll be there on the beach to watch Puss in Boots ( or Birkenstocks ) and Nasty Nancy Natzi and Lately Unemployed Lala. Fortunately I'm too timid and fragile to participate. I only start trouble !
Pick your weapons, Ladies !

Dee said...

Um, what does one do with a tennis ball and some duct tape? Her mouth?

kate said...

I'm really loving the visual of all of us fighting like a bunch of girls, biting and clawing and rolling around in the sand, laughing our asses off, of course!! We'd certainly draw a crowd!

kate said...

Mom, yes, tennis ball in mouth, secured by duct tape. Usually works best on six year olds, but will work on 19 yr olds in a pinch.

kate said...


Jodi said...

I have blogged about your ass whuppin' and how it shall be carried out. See you on September 15 - as sunrise - on the beach at Rockaway, Oregon, on the day of Linda's wedding.

Linda said...

Hello??? Can I say something here???

Ok, Puss, I accept your challenge, however, could we make it about, oh,... say, 10:00-ish? I mean sunrise is so early! I like to sleep in, then I have to shower, do my nails, do my hair... well, anyway, I will be there. I shall go by, "Donkey", the anoying sidekick. I'll be the one who shows up with the big ugly ogre!

Linda said...

Oh, and I use a pair of rolled up socks instead of a tennis ball. It absorbs the saliva, less mess later.