Thursday, August 9, 2007

In Love With The Blue Angels

The US Navy's Blue Angels are in town, practicing for an airshow in Hillsboro on Saturday. There is very little that affects me the way The Blue Angels do.
It's been a while since I've seen them, but the effect is the same every time . My heart races, goosebumps fly up my arms and across the back of my neck, I get a strange lump in my throat, and my eyes even tear up a little bit. It's amazing how it effects me when they roar over head, at the speed of sound, in perfect formation, with just a few feet between their wingtips. I am amazed. I am so enthralled. What is it that gets to me so much? Is it patriotic pride? Appreciation for the danger and skill involved? Is it excitement? Awe? Or a combination of all those, and more.

They began arriving last night, I saw two just flying placidly overhead. But this morning there were 4 of them out in formation. They were flying all over town, everywhere! By noon, there were 6 here, and about 3:00 I saw all 8 of them together! They were buzzing over the nursery this morning, but as luck would have it, one of my accounts is right near the airport, so I found a reason to go call on them, and I sat there with the folks at that nursery and watched the Angels for about an hour.

You know, this is going to sound really weird, but it feels a lot like being in love,... they take my breath away.


Dee said...

I have seen the "Angels" too and I agree, they are so beautiful, they take your breath away. The brillant color of the planes, the formations-----almost beyond description. So gorgeous. And , yes, they make me tear up too. One of the highlights of my life.
So glad you got to see them !---Mom

kate said...

They are really beautiful to see; airshows in general have that affect on me and I can't explain it either. It's the most delicate choreography, but with airplanes...

Check out our mom!! She got it!

Jodi said...

Anything patriotic makes me tear up! So do you get to go to the airshow or just enjoy seeing them while they're practicing?

Linda said...

I don't have anyone to go to the airshow with :O( because my honey is in the FREAKIN' Artic Circle! I might just go park in a nearby parking lot and watch them by myself. But it's not as much fun alone because you don't have anyone to "OOooouuu" and "AAaaaahhh" with!