Thursday, September 4, 2008

Damn it's gonna be hard.

I absolutely suck at saying goodbye.
I didn't realize how many friends I had over here, until I'm faced with leaving them.
I know I will cry like a baby as I say goodbye to each one.
And it seems I've already cried enough tears to float a fucking battleship this past week.
I'm going to by stock in the Kleenex company, because it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
or perhaps I should I say,...


JACKI said...

well aunt linda, wipe those tears & snot away. Its only gonna get better... cause you are gonna have yourself a grandbaby!!!!!!


Dee said...

Ah gee, you and your visuals----and I just had breakfast. ackkkk

Every friend we make through the years is another flower in our memory book. ( how "flowery" is that! ) But its true. Having friends makes life livable and leaving them is the pits, but its better to have had them than never having known them. And some remain friends for life----you keep in contact and even get to see them at times.
So, buck up, be strong and you'll always remember those friends you cherished.

kate said...

EEEWWWWWWWW. I just ralphed my granola all over my keyboard.

Dee said...

was it something I said?

kate said...

No! It was that booger picture!

Dee said...

I know-----she has a bad habit of doing that !