Thursday, September 25, 2008

We made it!!!

Just an update:
We're here in Boise. What a relief to have that done!
We spent ALL frickin' day on Tuesday loading all our stuff into a 17' Uhaul, and 2 compact cars.

Lisa's "stuff" - clothes, shoes and bathroom supplies - all fit nicely into her little Dodge neon. But my "stuff" - which she called "my shit", would not all fit into my Kia Rio, so a bunch of it had to be cramed into the cab of the Uhaul, with me and the bird (Gracie). Geez, like that was a big deal. Hey, I've been on this earth twice as long as her, it's only right that I have twice as much "stuff". (Have you ever notice that your stuff is "stuff" but someone else's stuff is "shit". What's up with that???

Then, Wednesday morning, we had to load Lisa's Neon onto a tow dolly behind the Uhaul. Oh, that was fun!!! I'm sure everyone at the apartment complex was looking out their windows and laughing. Especially when we rammed the carport roof with the big overhead bin of the truck! I'm surprised the whole carport didn't collapse! But we got 'er done! We hit the road about 1:00pm. Lisa drove my Rio, and Gracie and I drove the Uhaul, pulling the Neon.

We got to Moms about 10:30 pm. We had to make a zillion stops along the way, so that the little pregnant lady could pee and eat regularly!

Mom and Jodi helped us unload our personal "stuff" that stays at Mom's with us, and then Jodi went with us to help us unload all our "house stuff" into a storage unit until we get an apartment.

I'm going to miss Portland and my friends terribly, but I must admit, it's DAMN nice to have family.
P.S. I have a date tomorrow already!!!
(Hi Tiffany, Hi Gabby, Hi Bridget, Hi Greg, Hi everyone!)


kate said...

I'm so glad you guys made it ok!! My god, that sounds like quite the fiasco!

Family is so important....never more so than when you need help unloading your shit.

; )

Dee said...

Glad you're here and safely. Gracie is a goof ball----tells us what she wants----"want some hungry", "outside" meaning out of the cage or way outside. Yesterday she took a shower in her drinking water----shook water all over the wall and floor, trying to get herself wet. We need a great big shower cap for the cage. !

Jodi said...

Happy to have you just down the street, even though temporarily - and even happier to have you both HOME!

Jodi said...

Oh, and Lisa was right. she had some stuff and Linda had a lot of shit.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are safe and sound in Boise but we miss you. No big news from Al's or P-town. Did you know Greg is in Nebraska and Melissa is leaving? Justin started school today at PSU. We still don't have all the F*&^ing Christmas trees up. It's so strange to be surrounded by a winter wonderland when it's 90 degrees do they do it in those southern states?!? It's just WRONG.

Miss you muchly! xoxox Hope the date went well (man that was FAST girl!!)!