Friday, November 7, 2008

Ah geez,... where do I start?

Well, here's a few pics from October 9th when we moved into our cute little apartment. Gee, it's been almost a month already!

This is our honkin' big 26 ft. truck. We didn't need a truck this big, but when we got there to pick up our 17 ft. truck, they didn't have ANY trucks available - but after a few calls, they found us a 26 ft for the price of the 17 ft that we had reserved.

My sister-in-law, Marlette, was in town, so bless her sweet heart, she helped us, (Sarah, Lisa and I), move into our apartment.

We loaded everything from our storage units into that truck,

and then unloaded it into the apartment in just 4 hours!


After a few shorts days, ok,... a week or two,... we had the apartment all put together and cute!


Jodi said...

Love your apartment! Ok, that was a start, but now you have about 15 other things to blog about in order to catch up. Git with it sister.

Linda said...

All right! I'm working on it! Geez, slave driver!!!

Dee said...

That is a wonderful apt. And you fixed it up so nice ! loverly ! And it looks light, bright and cheery ! yeaaaaaaaa Don't you just love it !!!!!!!!!!!

kate said...

Cute and homey!! I yike it.