Monday, November 17, 2008

Unsolved Mystery

At left,... the suspect in the toilet plugging caper.

The culprit was not retrieved, but had to be pushed the rest of the way through the pipes, but we strongly suspect a toy because,...

On the night in question, we had,... not one,... but TWO,... three year olds here at the apartment.
And we all know how little ones LOVE to flush things down the toilet...

"Nana go down the Hooole..."


Dee said...

SOMEBODY is missing a toy. But the way kids have a bazillion of them, it will never be missed. Guess your landlord wasn't too thrilled !

Jodi said...

Yessssssssssss, this may remain unsolved. Hmmmmmmm...

kate said...

That's exactly what our brilliant mother suspected! She's apparently been there before! Heeeeyyy...maybe THAT'S where "Pinkie" went.

Sarah Dee said...

Ok, my 3 year old knows his toys are cooler than to be flushed down the damn toilet... c'mon what kind of a mom do ya'll think I am, buying my son crappy toys from Rite Aid that he wants nothing to do with but flush?!? Hardly. :)

Anonymous said...

no worries wasnt YOUR 3 year old. we are suspecting the other 3 year old. i heard her get up in the nite to go to the bathroom and then went back to sleep, the next day....our toilet was just not the same.

Jodi said...

I remember Jake flushed my watch down the toilet when he was about that age. Little shit.

Linda said...

'crappy' toys? LMAO
Sayah is funny!