Saturday, January 24, 2009

"And how's that working for ya?" - Dr Phil

January and February can be long dreary months. The lack of sunlight, strong inversions, and cold weather can take its toll on anybody’s temperament. I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I believe my case of SAD is a fairly strong one.

My typical approach to January is simply to crawl under my bed and hide until March. But I’ve recently decided to try staying out from under the furniture, and actually try dealing with my problem. Not typical of me, but what I was doing wasn’t working. As Dr. Phil says, "And how's that working for ya?" Well, it ain't! So let’s try something different! So if there is anyone else out there that is feeling a bit SAD, here’s what I’ve done, … and perhaps you should try it too.

I bought some new houseplants!

I know, you're thinking - "Boy, doesn't take much to launch her boat, does it?" Well, the reality is, houseplants can do more for our mood than meets the eye. For instance, we’ve known for quite a while that plants remove toxins from the air, but did you know that they can also reduce stress, lower illness rates, and even improve your concentration? According to a study done by the Norway University of Agriculture, indoor plants not only remove toxins, but they can reduce fatigue and many cold-related illnesses by increasing humidity levels and removing dust from the air. These same tests also showed that attentiveness and memory increase, and mood swings decrease, considerably due to the added oxygen put into the air by houseplants.

But my best reason to buy some new houseplants was that I know that even a slight change in my daily ‘scenery’ is welcomed this time of year. And what better way to create change than with beautiful, living, and oxygen-giving, greenery! There is little that brings more cheer to a room than a living plant. You don’t have to buy big plants, or very many either. I got 4 of those little 4” pots. (I already have some nice houseplants.) I also bought a couple that bloom, to really brighten my spirit!

Ah, and we mustn’t forget the flower pot! A bright colored pot can do even more for your mood, and it also creates a great opportunity to have some fun! I think I’ll paint some of my old pots a bright accent color. If you do this, be sure the paint is waterproof – acrylic doesn’t work! (Sound like the voice of experience?)

To take this idea a step further,… we already know that a good night’s sleep can reduce stress and improve your mental & physical health, so in addition to using the above plants in areas of daytime use, try bromeliads, orchids and succulents in your bedroom. These plants exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide at night rather than during the day like most other plants. This is a great way to freshen the air you breathe during sleep, and wake up feeling more alert and healthy!

House plants are great for brightening a room, but it’s wonderful that they can actually brighten our winter too!

If you’d like a list of the best plants for cleaning indoor air and increasing oxygen, just ask, I’d be happy to email a list to you.


Jodi said...

Now THAT'S intersting. I was just sitting here yesterday feeling yucky cause I have a cold and thinking that I wishes I had enough energy to run over the hill to buy a plant or two. I love having new plants, they really cheer me up!

Hope they help you get through February!

Jodi said...

Oh look! Only 6 more days until January is over!

Dee said...

Hooty----you look so alert and bright -----expecting February, are you !

House plants are wonderful and what a bonus when they bloom. It does brighten your day----cheery little things that they are !

Great post .

Jodi said...

Oh Boy! Only 5 days left!!!!

Dee said...



said Hooty Little