Linda is so glad that my granddaughter is coming into a world where finally she may be judged by the content of her character, not the color of her skin. 9:16am -
Linda is enthusiastically waving bu-bye to G-dub!!! Wooohoo!!! 9:36am -Linda is is jumping up and down! There he is!!! Obama! You be da' man!!! Yeeeehaww. 9:44am -
Linda is wondering who the HELL chose Aritha Franklins hat??? 9:56am -
Linda says,... It's official!!! Yeeehawww!!!! Happy Day! Happy Day!!! 10:07am -
OK, I gotta go... I want to hear every word of his speech.
WWOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a GREAT DAY!!!!!
So glad you got to see it and it was everything you hoped.
I wish him well as we as a Nation need so much help right now.
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