Thursday, September 17, 2009

Linda Kay Harrison - Seamstress To The Bikers

My new gig –  Biker Patch Attacher!

She Attaches Patches While U Wait!


kate said...

Now who'da thunk that you'd be making money sewing patches on motorcycle jackets?? That is creative, sister. How the heck do you sew through LEATHER??

Linda said...

Mondo needle.

Dee said...

Atta girl----you can start a drive thru-----take it in thru the window, sew it and hand it back out. You'd have to make a bike path tho.

Jodi said...

Yea, that drive-thru thing, that's what I'd do. Be sure to put bars on the windows though. Really, I'm sure they're all really nice guys, but I hope they don't know Sid is gone when you're home alone.

Linda said...

Oh hell no, besides, I always tell everyone my Sid is a 400 lb sumo wrestler with a BAD attitude.