Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

"As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world." ~Adabella Radici

I thought today I'd mention a few things that I am thankful for, because I have been so blessed with such wonderful gifts in my life.

These are in no particular order but may be grouped more by thought process.

I am so incredibly lucky to have my 2 beautiful, healthy daughters. Nothing brings more sunshine into my life than hearing their voices and seeing their sweet faces. They are both tough girls, far stronger than they realize. I admire them and am VERY proud of them for that.

I am so glad that I have sisters and a Mom who are funny, entertaining and enjoy getting together, even if it's only in our blogs! I guess I'm also quite lucky to be able to find such pleasure in something as simple as our blogs.

I'm thankful that most of my greatest memories involve FAMILY.

I'm glad our whole family is close and that we are a 'functional' family without the 'dis'!

I'm glad I have a car that gets 40 miles to the gallon now that gas is over $3.

I'm lucky to have a job that I enjoy, and to work with a whole bunch of fun, dedicated people.

I so glad that Dad and Mom taught me to enjoy nature. I can find peace and pleasure in little things like the frogs in my houseplants at work, the huge V's of geese flying over head and that foolish little hummingbird that I STILL see flitting around my front yard. I would miss so much of life without that appreciation. (I think I'm gonna set a trap and catch that hummer so I can fed-ex him south.)

I am very grateful for my health. I took it for granted for so many years. But as one gets older, you certainly appreciate it more and realize how easily it can slip away if not cared for properly.

I'm awfully glad I've lost 11 pounds, because I know I'll be putting ON a few today!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

hope you had a good turkey day maaam!

Dee said...

That was nice. Its good to take time to realize what we are grateful/thankful for.
I am so thankful for my wonderful, loving, supportive, fun, funny family, all and every one of them. !!!!!!!!!
Also, my comfortable home, in which I am so content.
My seemingly boring to others, but very pleasant, content, happy, comfortable life and lifestyle.
And my few but good friends, who constantly amuse me in many ways.

Thank you all for being my family !