Friday, November 9, 2007

Yee Haw!!!

Road Triiiiiip!!!!!

We may not make it to Vermont, but I'm sure we can at least get as far as Mt. Home.

I told Bob that Jodi, Kate and I were going to get our noses pierced next time we're together. He laughed, and thought I was just teasing.

"He don't know us too well, do he???" ~ Bugs Bunny


Dee said...

Hey, they're not lettin' their hair blow back !


so, far, all the ideas sound like fun, Chinese Fire Drill, stop whenever, go whereever , get crazy, kick back and ENJOY !

The pot, and nose piercings----well, I have to be a MOTHER about some things. Go ahead, do it, but the eyebrow GOES UP !!!!!!!!!!!

Jodi said...

Ok mom, so what REALLY naughty thing did the kids do when you were young that you're ready to do again? We'll add that to our trip so you can get crazy too...

kate said...

When mom was young, the REALLY wild kids listened to ROCK AND ROLL music!!! And, and they DANCED. And they put PEANUTS in their COKE.

Damn trouble makers.

Jodi said...

Too funny!

Hey - I'm the old gal drivin'!

Dee said...

Girls, girls, girls ! You haven't gone far enough back. When I was in high school, we had formal dances, but once a year we went crazy and had a sock hop. ------whooppeeee, no shoes.
And the music we danced to was: Jimmy Dorsey, Glen Miller, Les Brown,etc. all the BIG BANDS. Many of them came to Boise, where we went to the Ballroom, drank coke and at least one or more of the guys brought booze to mix in the drinks. We went out to the river, where Lucky Peak is now, had big bonfires, sang, I played my ukelely (sp) and later everybody "necked". No, not nekid, necked. How about THAT for WILD?
Rock and Roll came MUCH later and we didn't screw up our coke with peanuts. Oh, yeah, after high school, we went to bars and danced but on my 21st Bday, I got caught and couldn't get in the door as it wasn't midnight yet !!!!!!!!!
That pissed me off as I had been doing it for 2 years.

Dee said...

Jodi, if you're the old girl driving, I must the the really old, ugly dame in the brown coat ! But we're having fun !

Linda said...

Yeah, that's Mom, Me and Jodi in the convertible. Kate's on her bike behind us, peddling as fast as her lil' ol' legs will move, ringin' her bell and yellin' "Wait for me!!!"

Linda said...

Cheri and Sue are in the trunk.

Jodi said...

Well shoot, let's get Sheri and Sue out of the trunk and put chairs on the back and bungey them back there.