Sunday, February 17, 2008


" Hey, Guess what?"


"Bob bought his airplane ticket to come see us in Belize!"

"Aaahh, Baloney! He's not coming down to see us, he's coming down on March 15th to look for property. He's staying for 10 days!"

"Yea, but Linda didn't even get invited along, so who cares?"


Jodi said...

AWESOME! What part is he going to travel? Is he going to try and cover the whole country or just a few districts? I hope he's going to the Stann Creek District, I want to hear all about that. Tell him to be prepared for high gas prices - I think it's close to $10 gallon. I can't wait to hear what he finds out. Next time, we're going too! (you and me and Ival).

Jodi said...

What did it cost for Bob's airline ticket?

Dee said...

Those are very talkative critters. And I'm glad they're on your side------some day you'll get to go there too. Then you can start planning that posh "chicken house".

kate said...

COOL!!! Be sure and tell him that he needs to buy enough land for all the Clampetts to come live with him!! We can build our own version of Swiss Family Robinson! I get the top bunk!