Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I love my motorcycle, but...

I bought a car today! A white Kia Rio. It's the most stripped down model you can get, it doesn't even have a radio. But it's cheap, it's safe, it's warm and dry, and it's mine! (or will be in 60 months!)

It's a little 4 door, and has lots of room in it. It has a big trunk. It has front airbags, and full side-curtain airbags in the front and back seat. It has a full 10 year bumper to bumper warranty, great safety rating, and it gets about 36-40 mpg. And my payments are CHEAP.

No more riding in the rain. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful to have my motorcycle when the Pathfinder died. And I had good rain gear. But it's nice to have a reliable vehicle, and one that doesn't smell like "mouse nest" like the Pathfinder did.

The best part, and at the same time the most pathetic part, is that it's the first time I've ever done something like this myself. (I love you, Mom!)

>strutting like a peacock<
Yup, I'm feeling pretty grown up right now!


H said...

Sweet ride, but not so much the license plate...

Jodi said...

I've never been one who needed the best car. Good gas mileage is the way to go. I'm glad you've got something reliable and especially safe. Good for you! and Ron is very cute!!!!!

kate said...

Yahoo! Good job sis; it's important to have a safe car and that you did it all by yourself: cool!!

kate said...

Bwahaha! Good point, Heather! I had to go back and look at the license plate...that is weird!

It's cute too; kinda looks like a beemer, if you close one eye and squint! :)

Dee said...

Lala, its BEAUTIFUL ! I'm so proud of you, doing your research, knowing what you could afford and completing the deal with the salesman. THAT'S a huge accomplishment.!
I've thought of you so much this morning and am so glad you are IN A CAR----dry, warm and HAPPY. yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yeah, cover up the plate ad with a Bronco sticker or something.

Dee said...

I had to go back and look at your car again. love it !
And love your " Struttin' like a peacock" ! It does give you a huge sense of pride to do that. Atta girl !

Anonymous said...

yay mine mama doesnt have to drive dat motercycle in the rain no more!

thank goodness for grandma im tellin you what. frickin saint.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.