Sunday, April 20, 2008

The "happiest place on earth" is not Disneyland...

It's! Yeeeehaaaawwww!
Maybe because I love men, maybe because I'm bored, maybe because I'm not good company to myself, but I got on and have been having a good time since, talking with some great guys from all around the Pacific Northwest. I'm telling you, it's a "Smorgusboard" out there.


Jodi said...

Wll it's just like QVC for men! Shoot, it sounds like you're having so much fun, you shouldn't settle on anyone, just keep shopping for the rest of your life!

Dee said...

Jodi has a GREAT idea. Just keep dating, talking, emailing and you get all these free meals, plus entertainment. It doesn't get any better, AND you don't have to put up with permanent crap. Or mouthyness. Or clothes left on the floor-----I could go on forever !
But you get the idea !

kate said...

That's right; a smorgasbourg (sp??) means you sample a little bit of everything. SAMPLE. DO NOT BUY. No purchase necessary.

Aren't you so glad you have us to nag you and tell you how to run your life??

I lupper!

Linda said...

Um, yeah, ok. I got it. I get the point. Ok all-freakin'-ready!

But honestly, I'm so lucky to have my family who cares. ^_^