Friday, April 25, 2008

I love this,...

Choose your friends by their character
and your socks by their color.
Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense
and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable.


Jodi said...

I agree. It's so sweet that young kids don't know there's even a difference. If only WE could run this world!

Dee said...

Aren't those little girls cute? What a sweet picture .

Jodi said...


kate said...

I don't know...some of my socks are real characters....

Jodi said...

Isaid, "NEW BLOG" damnit! Didn't you have ballroom dance lessons, who have you picked off of QVC of men, how was your weekend with Kate, how do you like your new car, what the hell is going on, etc...