Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have to say, I get tired of this one...

Because, for someone who 'refuses' to put his hand on his heart,
he certainly seems to do it alot.

There are lots more. Shall I post more?


Dee said...

OMG He's just checking to see if there is a heart to beat, oh, I mean a heart beat.

JACKI said...

gramma!!!! naughty!!!

kate said...

As he says, when asked about it, he'd rather prove his patriotism by his actions during his time in office; doesn't matter where his hand is.

And look at Bush; he was a REAL patriot....let's see, we have lost over 10,000 soldiers in his war. I'll take a man who is kind, compassionate and smart over that kind of "patriot", any day.