Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm borrowing Kate's soap box,...

I can't believe that I'm about to blog about politics, since I find it basically pretty boring. But I have a concern and a prediction to share. Plus, I'm filling in for Kate while she's away for the weekend.

I think Barrack Obama has a VERY good chance at being elected President. That's not the concern, that part would be great! I think this country seriously needs the changes and new attitude that he would bring about. I also think there is a good chance that Hilary Clinton could be his running mate/ VP. Um, yeah, ...that part is a concern.

Another part of my concern/prediction is that I feel strongly that Obama is going to run a much higher-that-normal risk of assasination. That is a big concern and it would be major crisis if it happened. It would be horrible to loose him as President, and a huge worry would be his replacement as President...

yeah,... the proverbial 'smoking gun'


My Gob, that's almost reason enough to vote for McCain.

NO! WAIT! I didn't mean that!

Vote for Obama!
Vote for Obama!
Vote for Obama!
Vote for Obama!
Vote for Obama!


Dee said...

yes you did. I will.

Dee said...

vote for McCain, that is .

Anonymous said...

so i was drivin to work yesterday and i could not believe all the people and vehicles and posters on a particular street reading "vote for clinton"!
a couple people on a corner held a big butt sign up that said "honk for hiliary", and i can not believe how many people honked!
totally thought obama was gonna win this oregon state over. who the hell knows now.

kate said...

You know, when this whole thing started, I wanted to like Hillary. I think she handled the Monica thing with grace and I wanted to be part of electing our first woman president. But as this campaign has progressed, I've come to really dislike her. I won't go on and on (although god knows I could!) but I will say that I'd rather have Hillary in the White House than John McCain. He's frickin' SCARY, man. He has NO sense of compassion whatsoever and just wants to keep bombing people to make sure everyone knows that the USA is to be feared. Which WILL result in further acts of terrorism on American soil. The world is not going to tolerate being controlled by the USA, NOR SHOULD THEY.

Well. Lookee there. I ended up going on and on after all, didn't I??

H said...

I'm all for a woman president. Girl power, rock on! But I cannot support a shyster who thinks they're above the law (have we forgotten Whitewater??), who accepts money from lobbyists, who is power hungry, and who is never happy unless someone is hating her. This country has been through so much this past decade and I can see her taking advantage of that vulnerability, pitting one side against the other once more and threatening her way or the highway. She's no better than Bush or McCain.

Right now we're watching the W. Virginia primary results and they actually also polled people on whether race was a factor in how they voted. For those who voted for Hillary, more than 80% said race was a factor in their decision to vote for HILLARY. =\ Wow. Just wow. I think that it's about time we had a black president and we had a president who honestly cared about bringing people together instead of tearing them apart.

I'm preaching to the choir, though...