Sunday, May 18, 2008

What I write about...

I use my blog to write about what is currently going on in my life. Which is why it's mostly about me, Lisa, and Gracie. Because that is pretty much all there is of my life right now.

I miss Andrea so much that it's hard for me to write about her. We don't get to talk much. She's not much for calling, unless she needs something. And when I call her, she's usually busy. We used to be so close , but I guess out of sight, out of mind. She doesn't seem interested in Mom anymore. I'm hoping she'll grow out of this stage. Like I said, it's hard to write about Andrea, it makes me sad, I just don't have much to say.


Dee said...

I love that picture of you two. Andrea is such a sweet, pretty girl. The thing to remember: you both will always love each other. And there is no such thing as out of sight out of mind. That love is always there.

Jodi said...

No matter how far family may be, the love will always stay strong.

JACKI said...

no matter if you realize it or not, a girl ALWAYS needs her mom. Andrea loves you!

kate said...

Lala, this is all part of Andrea's growing up. Kids are supposed to become independent of their parents.

But the two of you will ALWAYS have a very special relationship because of the groundwork you laid when she was little. The foundation is there.

Andrea is an amazing, talented, funny and fun person. Like her mom.

Anonymous said... not real sure why, but that brought a tear to my eye.
i think it was the "i just dont have much to say" line....because its so true. i dont get to talk to her either. BUT god knows jacki's right......a girl ALWAYS needs her mom. ;)
(and not just for material things that it seems to be with andrea lately)