Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Neighbor still stops by for breakfast,...

...and now she brings her kids!
The Momma Squirrel that was comming by, now brings her 3 kids. 2 girls and a boy, I think. They move so fast that it's hard to tell.

That's Momma at the back, and 2 of the 3 kids. Try as I may, I could not get all 4 of them in a photo at the same time. They are soooo cute, and the kids are soooo funny, they romp, and jump on each other and chase each other!!!!
One of the kids comes up and scratches on the slidding glass door. She wants to come in and play with Gracie I think.


Jodi said...

How cute is that! I bet Gracie would kick her butt!

kate said...

Ha! They look like they've been snapped by paparazzi!

So, do you know if they're boys are girls? Can you really get that close?

Dee said...

There is nothing as destructive as a squirrel in a house. They chew, rip, tear, scratch , dig, break, etc. etc. I hope that lil darlin' never gets in !
But they are cute.

Linda said...

Um, the little boys have gonads.